Saturday, July 20, 2013

Most normal people wouldn't make their first post about a sick kid but I'm on vacation and I'm the only one awake right now. We're on our way to Colorado and stopped for the night in Ogallala, Nebraska. (O-Ga-LA-LA) Yesterday was a long, 11 hours in the truck, day. To minimize stops I purchased snacks prior to leaving home. The kids snacked from 8am to about 5pm. Problem was I didn't think the snacks out. I bought cookies, candy, and beef jerky. By the time we stopped they were on a massive sugar high.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Welcome Home!

We moved! We're no longer living in Quincy, Il. We are now just north of there is a small town, Lima, Il. The town population is 125 and we're known as "The house with all the Jeeps". Kids are doing great and we now have a dog (and the two cats still).